structured object

英 [ˈstrʌktʃəd ˈɒbdʒɪkt] 美 [ˈstrʌktʃərd ˈɑːbdʒekt]

网络  结构化对象



  1. Structured storage which maps XML to object relational
  2. Thus far, however, my structured object examples still retain some degree of simplicity in that I've only manipulated direct references to them.
  3. Here, your classes represent a structured version of the activity: object and atom: author elements, respectively.
  4. For this type of interaction, you can use one of the many structured data standards, such as JavaScript Object Notation ( JSON) or XML.
  5. A structured object is, in essence, an object that holds references to other objects.
  6. Applied Study on the Concept of "Structured Digital Object"& From Various Digital Resource Systems to China DOI Registry System
  7. Oceania, Inc-WAVE, an electronic health record for use by clinicians, a tool to produce paperless clinical documentation with structured text stored in an object database.
  8. Placeholder for a shared data could be structured or un-structured ( i.e., Map) object.
  9. 3-D Reconstruction Method Based on Structured Light of Colorful Stripes for Object
  10. A new calibration method of structured light system using a coplanar object is proposed based on invariance of cross ratio.
  11. Structured development, Prototype development, Object Oriented development are three methods needed to be used multipurpose to construct AMIS.
  12. These factors might not seem like that big a deal& until you develop structured or object oriented programs with functions and classes.
  13. By modifying the illumination of the microscope, a structured light was projected onto object and the sectioned image of the object was gained in the image plane but with the unwanted ordinary image superimposed.
  14. Development of programming has transferred from structured programming design to object-oriented programming design.
  15. This paper puts forward the general reengineering models of structured system and object oriented system.
  16. To improve the reusability of software, enhance the efficiency of software development and make software system more reliable and highly flexible, component based software development has been developed based on the traditional structured and object oriented programming.
  17. To improve the accuracy of structured light methods and surface smooth degree of reconstructed object, new method based on curve fitting is advanced.
  18. This paper comprehensively compares and analyses three developing methods of information system engineering: structured method, prototyping method and object oriented method. And this paper also gives an example of designing Wuhan city taxi management information system to demonstrate object modeling technology based on object-oriented method.
  19. Combining the advantages of both Structured Analysis and Information Engineering, Object oriented methods can be used to give clear and complete system logic models.
  20. Finally, by structured light illumination, the input image of target object is acquired by CCD camera, the frequency expression of the target image is computed and matched with that in the database, by which different objects can be distinguished from magnitude of the correlation peaks.
  21. In method based on structured light projection and MF: Firstly, by structured light illumination, the input images of reference object in all directions are acquired by CCD camera, which contained the 3-D information by means of the distorted fringe encoding;
  22. A novel method to construct non-collinear feature points used for calibrating structured light vision sensor with coplanar reference object is proposed.
  23. Procedure from Structured Program to Object-oriented Program
  24. On this deep Web, numerous sources are structured, providing schema-rich data-Their schemas define the object domain and its query capabilities.
  25. Reasearch on Structured Object Representation of Knowledge on Protective Relaying Decision-making and Expert System for Sub-transmission Networks
  26. A stroboscopic structured illumination system for measuring 3-D profile of a high-speed rotating object
  27. This approach utilizes fully the characteristics and advantages of CORBA mechanism which is structured to allow integration of a wide variety of object systems developed for different platforms and in different languages.
  28. A Stroboflash Structured Illumination System using in Measurement for 3D Shape of High-speed Motion Object
  29. Currently familiar method systems have Structured Systems Analysis and Design, Prototyping Method and Object Oriented Method.
  30. For the structured environment, a model-based object recognition is investigated based on vector compression and shape approximation. Furthermore, sub-pixel of corner feature is extracted and optimized to realize precise and stable recognition of model-based object.